Онлайн-обмен 24/7 Касса с наличными: Пн-Пт с 10:00 до 23:00 Сб-Вс свободный график
Обмен криптовалюты в Дубаи по выгодному курсу с доставкой или визитом в офис.
© 2016-2024 Exdex
IIn order to combat money laundering and the financing of terrorism, exchange offices conduct AML checks of transactions received from clients. If a transaction is identified as high-risk, the exchange office may suspend the exchange operation pending verification in accordance with FATF standards. Average application processing time is up to 60 minutes from the moment of receiving the 2nd confirmation Please check that the details for receiving funds are correct.
The payment amount is fixed if there is no change in the exchange rate by more than 0.3% at the time of receiving the 2nd confirmation. The payment amount may be recalculated if the rate changes by more than 0.3% at the time of receiving the 2nd confirmation. The rate is determined by the Binance exchange.
Данная операция производится в автоматическом режиме.
min.: 126.836 USD max.: 6341.7975 USD
min.: 10000 RUB max.: 500000 RUB
Введите действительные данные владельца карты. Это поможет избежать задержек с автовыплатой.
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Для обмена вам необходимо выполнить несколько шагов:
Verified Website
See Report
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